
Dear visitor,

here you can see some photos of the first visit of our project. It was held in Linz, Austria, on 27.11.-1.12.2013. We had a chance to get to know the austrian school system, to hear interesting information about Austria and its culture, to make music together and to make new friends, both teachers and pupils. There were 2-3 teachers and two pupils from each country, participating the visit. We met new friends from Portugal, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Finland and of course Austria.

Warm thanks to the austrian teachers and host families, who made our visit so warm and successfull!
Next time we will meet in Rusko, Finland, on 12.-16.3.2014.




Project meeting in Linz, Austria 27.11.-1.12.2013

The first official meeting in our project is about to begin in five days! Can't wait to meet you all again and get to know new friends. The pupils are excited and happy to meet children from different parts of Europe. Thank you team Austria for making all the arrangements.

See you soon in Linz!



Tuesday 5th of November 2013

Hello everyone!

By the end of this week we are supposed to send some e-mail for our new friend class.
My class already got mail from Spain. It was great to see pupils' faces, when we opened the video clips and saw our new friends! Thank Juan and class 4A.

You can also send pictures, photos, writings etc. by using teacher to teacher -e-mails. I hope every class gets mail from their friends. This is a true beginning of the project for the pupils :)

And the trip to Austria is very near now. Thank you team Austria for working so hard. We will meet soon, both teachers and children.

Best wishes,
Laura the coordinator


The group photo from the preparatory visit in Finland, January 2013.


Visit to Finland in the winter 2013, picture taken outside Loviisan Aitta boutique in Rusko. The temperarture was -27 C!! Together we made plans for the new Comenius project "Music - a language that unifies". In the summer 2013 we got great news from our national agencies: all of us got the approval!


Dear visitor!

This is a new Comenius blog of  a project "Music - a language that unifies". The countries involved are: Finland (the coordinator), Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

The project starts in the autumn 2013 and ends in June 2015.

In this blog it is possible to publish information about the project: visits, pupils' work and other interesting things for all the schools to visit and see.